New Year, New Resolution


I see all these people who talk about vision boards. They tell you to make a vision for the future and then put it on a pretty board in front of your face. You’ll see it and it will help keep you on track with making those visions happen.

People actually swear by these bad boys. And there are tons of blogs online to read and learn how to make them. They give tips on where they think you should start and how much they think you should put on there. I mean it’s a ton of info.

So in true basic form I totally wanted to make one.

I had no clue how to start so I went and checked out all the blogs I could find. But still I didn’t really know where I wanted to start. And having an Enneagram 1 wing I’m such a perfectionist I didn’t want to start and it not be perfect.

I had this idea that maybe I should take a step down and just focus on a resolution. So that’s what I did. I took the time to focus and figure out what I’d like 2019 to be about.

I tried to think about what was good in 2018 that I would like more of in 2019. I tried to think about areas that I was learning I needed growth in. I tried to focus on things that I could actively change and I didn’t need anyone or anything else in order to make sure that change happened.

While trying to come up with something I heard a sermon that gave me an idea. In Joshua God delivers the Israelites into the Promised Land after decades of wandering in the wilderness. In doing this He dries up the Jordan River so they can pass. After they are through God has them place 12 stones as a reminder of God’s might for generations to come.

But it doesn’t take long before the Israelites forget God’s power. They had a sign with the 12 stones but no one is talking about it and soon everyone forgets.

I don’t want to forget God’s goodness. I don’t want to be blind to it. I don’t want to see it and not share it. I want to consistently be reminded of how good He is. So for 2019 I want to focus on God’s goodness. I want to share how He provides.

I will share each week something that God has done. It may be something small, like having a friend reach out right when I need it. It may be something big, like that time God gave me $2,000 in 2 weeks so I could join a mission trip I wasn’t originally supposed to be on.

My goal this year is to be plugged into God’s goodness and might around me and then share it.

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